
We are just a couple of moms who like to stay busy with our own small businesses while also trying to document the crazy stuff our kids do. There might even be a more reflective post about motherhood every now and then, but mostly it’s about the bombs they drop (of the non-poopy variety), usually in public. Ok, maybe the things our kids say and do are really balloons, but they feel like bombs at the time.

Vanessa's familyAbout Vanessa: I am a SAHM of two. My first child, Vivi is three and has a HUGE personality. Not only that, she has the vocabulary of a 40 year old…and the filter of a three year…and the attitude of a 14 year old (you know what I’m saying). This makes for some very entertaining moments, as long as you are not the subject of her wrath. My other child, Mac, is 18 months. He doesn’t talk much yet, but I’m pretty sure he thinks hilarious thoughts, so I can’t wait to hear what he has to say. My third child is my husband of seven years who patiently puts up with my sense of humor and oversharing. In my spare time (haha), I own my own small business writing blog content for businesses and designing websites.

Thoughts about Lizzie:  Lizzie’s rad.



garrett-9170About Lizzie:  I am a SAHM with two little boys.  Our oldest is 2 years old and is an extremely active child.  Around our home we often find him going into “hurricane mode”.  Hence the nickname Hurricane.  My other son just turned one year old, but he already has a fun and active personality.   His nickname was brought to you by the Hurricane himself:  Dirt.  He couldn’t pronounce his little brothers name very well, and we ended up with Dirt.  My husband of nearly six years puts up with my craziness, and I think he feels sorry for me sometimes because our boys are exactly like he was as a kid.  I also own a craft business with my sisters.  Because my kids are so young, most of our hilarious moments are more like “Mom bombs” then “toddler bombs”, but they are entertaining to say the least.

Thoughts about Vanessa:  I introduced Vanessa to her Husband.  (That does make me rad. )

4 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: Ouch.. Hammer… | Toddler Bombs

  2. Pingback: Like Dad! | Toddler Bombs

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